
色戒 Lust, Caution, and whatever

It is brilliantly adapted from the original movie. Sex looks real, unlike the rest Asian movies ( OK, AV aside). Costume, scenes, objects, times are meticulously done. The only and the biggest weakness is our lack of story- telling ability that is embedded in our genetic profile.
Generalization do apply in general. Racial profile works in general sense even we beg to differ ourselves. We do not have sense of rhythm, in music, plays, movie, television... We imitate and mix JP and/or Western style..and hopefully develop our own on the way.

把張愛玲的小說細緻精準地搬上大銀幕。亞洲電影裡算是描寫性與床戲最真實的,前無古人的( 除了成人電影以外)。衣服道具場景時空都不可思議的寫實與緊密。但是還是沒有擊掌叫好的感覺,唯一大敗筆是沒有說故事的能力。

